Click on any of the following to view only those specific series: Or just scroll down and begin browsing below
Marvel die cast MAGNETO 2002 toybiz x-men universe
Marvel die cast SILVER SURFER 2002 toy biz complete
Marvel die cast VULTURE 1996 animated toy biz
Marvel die cast MANDARIN 2002 toybiz Iron Man
Marvel die cast MORPH 1994 metal mutants x-men toy biz
Marvel die cast STRYFE 1994 metal mutants x-men toy biz
Marvel die cast CABLE 1994 metal mutants x-men toy biz
Marvel die cast CYCLOPS 1998 metal mutants x-men toy biz
Marvel die cast LONGSHOT 2002 toy biz x-men steel mutants
Marvel die cast MOJO 2002 toy biz x-men steel mutants
Marvel die cast WARMACHINE 2 2002 toybiz Iron Man
Marvel die cast DR OCTOPUS 1996 animated toy biz (Copy)
Marvel die cast HOBGOBLIN 1996 animated toy biz
Marvel die cast SPIDER-MAN silver 1996 animated toy biz
Marvel die cast SPIDER-MAN 1996 animated toy biz crouch
Marvel die cast SPIDER-MAN 1996 animated toy biz stand
Marvel die cast SPIDER-MAN WEB GLOVE 2002 toy biz
Marvel die cast MR SINISTER 2002 toy biz x-men
Marvel die cast MODOK 2002 Fantastic Four toy biz
Marvel die cast PROFESSOR X 2002 toy biz x-men